We’re actively seeking donations to support our work of preserving the unique history of Mark Prairie and the restoration of the one room schoolhouse.

Tax-Deductible Cash Donations

Your generous cash donations can provide critical funding that will support our preservation work. Tax-deductible donations may be made directly to Mark Prairie Historical Society. Please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you in making a tax-deductible monetary donation or donate online by clicking below.

The Mark Prairie Historical Society is a registered 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. EIN: 93-0735114

**Please note, if you are paying membership dues via this form, please make a note in the comments that the money is for dues and who it is for. Also, PLEASE include the extra amount for the PayPal fee so that MPHS gets the full amount of your payment. Thank you so much!

double your gift

Oregon Cultural Trust is a supporter of Mark Prairie Historical Society. You can double your gifts for free by making a matching gift to the Cultural Trust and claiming tax credit. Click here to go to the Oregon Cultural Trust website.

If you would like to donate by cash or check, please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly! Thank you so much!