This Valentine’s Day, we commemorate not only the power of love but also the strength of our community and the resilience of the human spirit. Three years ago, our hearts were tested as the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse endured the wrath of an unforgiving ice storm. Two towering oak trees, standing as sentinels for two centuries, came crashing down upon our beloved 1879 schoolhouse, threatening to erase decades of cherished memories.

But from the wreckage emerged a beacon of hope, fueled by the love and dedication of our community. Since that fateful day, our dedicated team of volunteers has poured thousands of hours into the restoration effort, fueled by a passion to preserve history, and uphold the legacy of the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse. Through their tireless dedication and the generosity of supporters like you, we’ve raised over $700,000 towards rebuilding this beloved landmark.

As we commemorate the 3rd anniversary of that ice storm, we’re filled with gratitude for how far we’ve come. With just $100,000 left to raise, we’re on the brink of completing our mission. The exterior stands proudly restored, a symbol of our community’s resilience. Now, our focus shifts to the interior – repairing, restoring, and updating to ensure the schoolhouse continues its tradition as a vibrant hub for community gatherings and events.

Soon, the doors of the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse will once again open to the public to use and to rent, welcoming all to create new memories and celebrate special moments. 🎉📘 Let’s rejoice in the progress we’ve made and the bright future ahead!
Join us in this final push to complete our restoration journey. Together, let’s ensure that the Mark Prairie Schoolhouse continues to stand as a beacon of community spirit, and as testament to the enduring spirit of love and resilience for generations to come. 💕🌳