What are you doing on Tuesday, November 28? That day is GivingTuesday—a global day of giving where people all over the world come together to support their favorite nonprofits.
This year, Mark Prairie Historical Society is participating in GivingTuesday! Our goal is to raise the additional funds needed to complete the repair of the schoolhouse—but we’ll only reach that goal through the kindness and generosity of people like you. Will you help?
Here’s how you can get involved:
- Add GivingTuesday to your calendar!
- Donate to Mark Prairie Historical Society https://markprairiehistoricalsociety.org/donate/. Your donation will be the spark that lights up this historical gem, preserving it for generations to come. Every dollar takes us one step closer to our goal, and we’re deeply grateful for your support.
- Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MarkPrairieHistoricalSociety/! We’ll share updates and stories throughout theday about how much you and others in our community are making a difference.
- Spread the word by telling your friends, family, and coworkers why you’re passionate about restoring the schoolhouse. Then, invite them to join you in making a difference. We’re only able to complete the restoration because of the generosity of supporters like you!
I hope you’ll join us on GivingTuesday!