Fall has arrived! Thanksgiving and Christmas are just a few short weeks away, the end of 2021 is rapidly approaching and the work doesn’t stop here at Mark Prairie Historical Society. We are nearing the deconstruction phase of our schoolhouse!
We have had numerous hurdles to jump over since the February Ice Storm which caused extensive damage to the schoolhouse. With the recent winds and rain, the roof is continuing to collapse. Thankfully the building is insured, however, the insurance will not cover everything. WE NEED HELP! We would be most grateful if you would consider providing a year-end donation to our rebuilding of the Mark Prairie School. Your support is critical to the completion of our project.
Mark Memorial Park and Mark Prairie School belong to the community for use, and when the restoration is complete, the community will have a beautiful updated wedding venue and meeting hall for all to enjoy again 😊
Thank you for your continued support!